New Moon in Taurus ~ May 7, 2024

There will be no video this time, but here’s the written post. 🙂

My May 2024 Forecast shared:

May 7 New Moon in Taurus, 11:22 p.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is: ‘(TAURUS 19°): A NEW CONTINENT RISING OUT OF THE OCEAN. KEYNOTE: The surge of new potentiality after the crisis. … The ‘technique’ is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor.’ With Mercury conjunct Chiron still in tight orb, this New Moon brings a kind of healing balm that fosters real growth.”

New Moon in Taurus chart for Washington, D.C.

Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus still loosely conjunct this New Moon, adding freshness, optimism, and inspiration. Taurus is the Earth sign most associated with food, money, gardening, and the physical realm, so these areas could see an uptick of new energies, despite Taurus being a Fixed sign. Whatever arose on or around April 20th, may see further developments and healing now. Saturn closely sextiles from Pisces, grounding and stabilizing the growth.

Spiritual discipline will serve you well at this time. Meditation and daily prayer see real world, tangible results, and sometimes these appear like magic.

This Moon’s ruler, Venus, moves through her home sign, adding extra grace and power to this lunation, while the Sabian Symbol evokes Atlantis rising from the sea. Since the United States of America was originally conceived as “The New Atlantis,” this New Moon could encourage a return to formative ideals from which we have fallen long ago.

Taurus is a practical yet sensual sign, reminding us of the finer things in life. Our bodies, good food and drink, simple pleasures, and beauty rule the day. Of all the signs, Taurus natives most resemble Hobbits at the Shire. Adventure recently called with that Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20, but this New Moon invites us to settle down and enjoy the show from comfortable surroundings.

We don’t need to work fast or hard right now. Slow and steady wins this race, and many shifts occur without much effort. We live in times of enormous change. Mars in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius continues that trend of extreme transformation. Act when prompted, but if you don’t know what to do, chill out. Correct actions will become obvious at the proper time. As the saying goes, “When fishermen cannot go out to sea, they stay at home and repair their nets.”

We can use this New Moon and its stellium in Taurus to regroup and recharge. Life will speed up again soon enough. Tend your garden–both literal and metaphorical. Stop and smell the roses. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, and set aside some extra provisions “just in case.”

My husband was born on May 7th, and he turns sixty on this New Moon. He’s got four planets in Earthy Taurus, so I’ll leave you with one of his favorite mottos: “Better to have and not need than to need and not have.”

Happy Birthday, David! My life is richer and more beautiful for knowing and loving you.

May 2024 Specials

Happy Beltane Season! As the purifying fires and astro winds continue, these are the brand new specials I feel led to offer at this time.

Healing Pluto Problems

This 40-minute reading looks at the role Pluto plays in your natal chart, progressions, and through transit. Pluto’s a heavyweight, and his lessons often take years (or a lifetime!) to uncover. Astrology points the way and unlocks deeper access to subconscious patterns that sabotage our relationships, health, creativity, and overall well-being. Exploring Pluto’s influence in a more focused way allows you to surf the tsunami instead of getting clobbered by it. Transformation comes–one way or another–but working with Pluto energy offers rocket fuel toward personal empowerment, healing, increased wealth, and self-respect.

As someone with an exact Grand Trine in Air among natal Sun-Moon-Pluto, I am always engaging Pluto. We’re on good terms, and I know him well. This reading offers my personal and professional insights specific to your chart and your own evolution. $133 instead of $177 if prepaid on or before May 31, 2024. Please contact me to sign up.

Reiki Session Three-Pack

During these intense energetic times, sometimes you just want background support to smooth the rough edges or ease some of the biggest challenges. This Reiki Session Three-Pack offers three hours of Reiki for $199 instead of the usual $255. The sessions can be booked as individual hours with scheduled times, or I can set up a “Reiki Drip” that sends you small amounts of Reiki over an extended period of time. When you sign up for this package, you can let me know how you’d like to use the sessions, as well as any particular dates, goals, surgeries, or other challenges for me to support. Offer valid if prepaid on or before May 31, 2024. Please contact me to sign up.

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius 2024 ~ Round 6 with Timothy Glenn and Laura Bruno

Pluto stations Retrograde on May 2 and remains retrograde until October 11 or 12, depending on your timezone. In Round 6 of our Pluto Series, Laura Bruno and Timothy Glenn discuss the Aquarius portion of Pluto Retrograde 2024.

This video covers major transits from May-September, astrology of the US election season, with special emphasis on finishing up the US Pluto Return, plus individual and collective responses to the strong Aquarian-Uranus energy this year.

What will Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius bring in early June? What will Jupiter and Mars in Gemini mean for the United States and the collective? Buckle up! We’re in for a wild ride. If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through to watch the one-hour video.

May 2024 Forecast and Second Quarter North Node Horoscopes


Compared to April, May 2024’s energies feel less intense–but only because April’s transits were insane! This month brings key shifts and begins anchoring the hints of progress we’ve seen thus far.

May 1 Venus in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius. May begins on an intense note for relationships and self-esteem, more pronounced because Pluto stations Retrograde the next day. Watch out for power plays, manipulation, and obsession during this short transit. Intimate relationships have a tendency to grow deeper–or explode.

May 2 Pluto stations Retrograde in Aquarius. Lord of the Underworld prepares for a deeper dive. This stationing amplifies Plutonian energy. Themes of death, rebirth, and regeneration seep into dreams and waking life. Passion, unconscious desire, shame, and power reveal themselves through friendships, politics, and technology. Pluto remains Rx in Aquarius until September 1, when he re-enters Capricorn for one final round of 29° Capricorn.

May 3 Neptune enters 29° Pisces. The Ruler of Pisces enters the Anaretic (final) degree of his home sign. This degree makes Neptune extra Neptune and Pisces extra Pisces. Crises may force decisions related to alcoholism, addiction, lies, deception, projection, and delusion. Neptune will spend quite a bit of time here in 2024-25. Consequences for willful ignorance grow more pronounced. If you have issues with any of these negative areas of Neptune/Pisces, you’ll fare much better by deepening your spiritual path. Prayer, meditation, compassion, and beauty will take you further than denial. Gaslighting gets so extreme that idols fall, and illusions burst. Appropriate grief can heal.

May 4 Official cross-quarter day of Beltane. The Sun reaches 15° Taurus today. Veils between worlds and timelines are extra thin. Magic and intentions grow strong, but these are strange times. Beware of crossroads and liminal spaces after dark. This is a great day for gardening and creative projects.

May 6 Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries. This happens late in the day Eastern Daylight time, so for much of the world, it occurs on May 7. In any case, the days between May 5-8 bring extra understanding and communication around wounds and healing. Don’t feel ashamed of your health and emotional challenges. Your story inspires others that they, too, can heal. That said, today would be a good day to avoid intentionally cruel conversations. Protect yourself when needed. On the collective level, painful information could come to light. The first step in correcting a problem is recognizing and acknowledging the need to change.

May 7 New Moon in Taurus, 11:22 p.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is: “(TAURUS 19°): A NEW CONTINENT RISING OUT OF THE OCEAN. KEYNOTE: The surge of new potentiality after the crisis. … The ‘technique’ is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor.” With Mercury conjunct Chiron still in tight orb, this New Moon brings a kind of healing balm that fosters real growth.

May 9-10 Mars in Aries opposite Black Moon Lilith in Libra. Revelations about sexual abuse and/or disharmony in the childhood home demand targeted action. Victims fight back, and they find strong, new allies. This uncomfortable time period could become productive if you work with the energies. Legal oppression and lawfare are “up.” Who’s the victim, and who’s the aggressor? Consider alternatives to the old victim-abuser-savior paradigm: power to, not power over.

May 13 Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus. A desire to break free of any and all limitations pervades the collective. Light shines on whatever got triggered by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20th. This same day brings Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces. This is a wonderful transit for artists–bringing inspiration down to Earth. It could also bring financial insights and opportunities, but these might take some time to manifest.

May 15 Mercury enters Taurus. Communication slows down–a welcome respite between speedy Aries and Gemini. Take your time, and evaluate information step-by-step. Think before you speak. Life will speed up again when Mercury conjuncts Uranus at the end of May, and then moves into Gemini on June 3rd. Enjoy this time to catch your breath.

May 17 Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius. Obsessive thoughts could slow you down. Watch what information rises to the surface. Collectively, we’ll experience a change in how we think about the corruption of political parties, occult activities, and group think.

May 18 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Taurus and Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus. This is a huge day for opportunities–the kind that have legs in tangible, Earthly reality. Orchestrated relationships kick up a few notches.

May 20 Sun enters Gemini. Life speeds up with clever conversation, short trips, parties, and collaboration. The next month supercharges written projects, media (including social media), wheeling, dealing, and early childhood education. Engage your curiosity, and experiment. If it doesn’t work, try something else. Easy-breezy energies bring fresh air and a potential for profound change, because nything entering Gemini also trines Pluto in early Aquarius.

May 22 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius. Light shines on formerly hidden information. Stories reveal something deep and magical. Pluto and the sign of Gemini have a special relationship, because Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, could come and go at will from Pluto’s realm. The days on either side of May 22 feel extra shamanic and liminal.

May 23 Full Moon in Sagittarius, 9:53 a.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “(SAGITTARIUS 3°): TWO MEN PLAYING CHESS. KEYNOTE: The transcendent ritualization of conflict.” An expansive, highly strategic day. Pay attention to “big picture” downloads. Venus conjuncts Jupiter (this Full Moon’s ruler) in Taurus, both sextiling Neptune in Pisces. Harmonious and grounded spiritual awareness lends support and charisma. Later that day, Venus enters Gemini, where she’ll flit and flirt until June 17th. The Sun-Pluto trine remains in effect, with the Full Moon closely sextile Pluto in Aquarius. These aspects strengthen any magic or ritual performed at this time.

May 25 Jupiter enters Gemini, and Venus in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius. An exuberant and empowering day for finances and relationships. The Venus-Pluto trine energy only lasts a few days, but Jupiter remains in Gemini until June 9, 2025. For clues of how this might affect you, look back to June 2012-June 2013, when the Great Benefic also soared through Gemini. Collaboration becomes more important, and overall worldview will undergo significant change. The last few years have been–rather–intense, but get ready. In the immortal words of Cindi Lauper: “Girls just wanna have fun.”

May 31 Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is considered the higher octave of Mercury. Pay extra attention to thoughts and insights that seems to arrive “lightning fast.” Moments of genius strike, especially related to physical health, food, agriculture, gardening, finances, and personal values.

How May’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.


ARIES NORTH NODE: One of the most active quarters in recent history for Aries North Node natives! From April 1-25th, Mercury goes retrograde in your sign, so review options and reconsider alternatives. Is this really your desire, or have you allowed others to impede your forward movement? The April 8th Eclipse brings a chance for major course corrections and “impossible” healing, especially if your North Node is between 10 and 25 degrees of Aries. More healing rushes in on April 21st. In late May, both Venus and Jupiter enter Gemini, bringing optimism and support to Aries placements. Jupiter’s influence can last off and on for months. When positive openings arise, have courage to step through. Some of these opportunities will be fleeting–but real–provided you act in a timely manner. This is no time for wallflowers.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 proves pivotal, with lots of activity in your North Node sign. Your sign’s ruler–Venus–moves through Taurus from April 29-May 23rd, bringing grace, beauty, and enhanced self-esteem. On April 20th, Jupiter and Uranus exactly conjunct–exploding prior limitations. The May 23-25th Venus-Jupiter conjunction will benefit all Taurus North Node native, especially those with late Taurus placements. From June 9-July 20th, Mars moves through Taurus. Whenever Mars conjuncts someone’s North Node, big shifts occur. Unlike your trauma-drama Scorpio South Node, you don’t need to destroy your old life in order to create the new one. Remember, slow and steady wins this race. Mars triggers situations that have brewed for a long time. When in doubt, aim for people and things that enhance your future stability, wealth, and physical health.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: This quarter really energizes your North Node. You’ll receive more subtle–but significant–healing support in April than Aries North Node natives. By late May, you’ll feel a lift if you haven’t already. Venus in Gemini highlights destiny-level relationships, and Jupiter (aka The Great Benefic) blesses your sign from May 25, 2024-June 9, 2025. The exact conjunction with your North Node depends on your degree, but Gemini North Node natives will have better luck and bigger opportunities throughout this year. Just remember that Jupiter rules your Sagittarius South Node. Beware of putting all your eggs in one basket, or fixating on only one possible solution. Appreciate the little things, because these add up. An active gratitude practice helps you to recognize and receive more blessings.

CANCER NORTH NODE: The first part of this quarter brings friction from all the activity in Aries, but anything moving through Taurus offers subtle support for Cancer North Node natives. Always pay attention to your feelings, even the so-called negative ones. In relation to your North Node, emotions guide you well. If something bothers you, experiment with extra nurturing vs. a need to withdraw and recharge. You move like the tides, and you’re much more sensitive to lunar events (like eclipses) than other North Node signs. Sometimes you just need to wait out the energies. The key for you is learning to trust your natural rhythm. Pushing too hard doesn’t pay, no matter how much that Capricorn South Node drives you. If you feel tired, moody, and/or raw, practice extra good energy hygiene on the many highly charged dates this quarter.

LEO NORTH NODE: Anything moving through Aries and Gemini offers supportive energy to Leo North Node natives. Those planets moving through Taurus challenge you to put yourself first, even if that goes against tradition. Anyone with a 0-7 degree Leo North Node has Pluto–planet of death and rebirth–obliterating old patterns and social pressures of your Aquarius South Node. For later degrees, your Pluto time will come, but not this year. Focus on creativity. Second Quarter 2024 favors a complete makeover of Leo finances, health, appearance, and overall self-confidence. If something makes you insecure, you’ll have many opportunities to level up. Don’t worry about feeling vain or undeserving. In its highest expression, Leo’s healthy ego inspires and empowers those around you. If you feel stuck, imagine sharing your comeback story with whoever needs to hear it.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 brings a mix of energies your way. Anything moving through Taurus trines Virgo, so you’re likely to experience a lift and even some sudden breakthroughs during April and May. Gemini placements eventually square your Virgo/Pisces nodal axis. That can trigger excess criticism, insecurity, disappointment, and nostalgia. Depending on your degree, Saturn in Pisces will limit contact with anyone or anything no longer on path for you. Pay extra attention to your physical health and well-being. Remember to incorporate daily habits like exercise, nourishing foods, and some sort of spiritual discipline. If you dream, write those down and organize them for easier analysis of recurring themes and symbols. When discomfort arises, aim to upgrade your distraction. Instead of drugs, alcohol, or sugar, knock off something on your to-do list. You’ll feel MUCH better in the long run.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: This is a potent quarter for Libra North Node natives. The April 8th Solar Eclipse occurs in Aries, your South Node sign. Anyone with nodal degrees between 13 and 23 Aries/Libra will most feel that impact, but all of you have a chance for massive healing and release. Throughout this quarter you’re likely to see new opportunities for collaboration, partnership, and love. Planets in Aquarius and Gemini offer harmonious support for creative projects, legal issues, and negotiations. Anything moving through Taurus or Pisces brings strange but potentially life changing situations to Libra natives. In a world of warfare, legal quagmires, and aggression, you’re called to keep the peace. Bring some harmony into sharp, ugly areas. When in doubt, ask, “How can I beautify my surroundings and myself?” and “What would love do?” Jupiter in Gemini for the next year brings good luck. Just remember to look for win-win scenarios. It’s not all about you.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: This is a make-or-break quarter for Scorpio North Node natives. With all the activity in your South Node sign of Taurus, you’ll be challenged to release anything that no longer serves–including a perceived need for self-sufficiency and material security. When you surrender and release, that which you need arrives in a newer, more appropriate form for you. Trying to hold onto the old won’t serve you well, especially in April. Yours is a sign of shared resources, transformation, death and rebirth. You reach your full potential by diving deep into your passions, research, vulnerability, and emotions. As the Gospel of Thomas says, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” Your mystical side unlocks far more protection, healing, and security than focusing on the 3D world.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 brings change through a variety of energies. Anything moving through Aries offers destiny level support. Opportunity knocks, and doors open. Transits in Gemini call up South Node issues like spreading yourself too thin, lack of focus, and a willingness to stay small. When these old patterns erupt, ask your angels, intuition, and Higher Self, “Where do I need to go all in? Which quantum leaps would broaden my horizons?” Travel clears your calendar and your perspective. Tuning out the endless chatter expands manifestation. As planets move through Taurus and Cancer, you might sense some weird energies. Life feels surreal, but you’ve learned to pay attention in such moments. You catch a glimpse of something grand and begin to sense your own role in a larger unfolding story. You’re a natural teacher and inspiring guide for others. Embrace those qualities: they bring meaning and success.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: A vital quarter for Capricorn North Node natives! All the activity in Aries stirs up potential for healing and greater leadership roles. You’re not here to remain a homebody. You’re here to teach, lead, or manage others. Your natural empathy helps you do so with a softer touch, but beware of empathy overload. Too much emotion and family-like enmeshment become your personal kryptonite. Transits in Taurus lend grounded support and stability for on-path endeavors, while Gemini brings the weird through a series of highly charged events or realizations. These might feel fleeting, but pay attention. That information shines light on your life path. Cancer Season moves through your South Node sign, raising family issues, codependent relationships, and a need to release that which no longer serves. It really is okay to say, “No.” Sometimes that’s the only answer you can afford to give, on any level. Cut your losses, Cappy, and move on.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 is active for everyone on Earth right now, including Aquarius North Node natives. Anything moving through Aries or Gemini brings harmonious support. Pay special attention to new friendships, opportunities, and healing information. Since your sign connects with group energy and humanitarian concerns, you might feel called to offer support during more intense transit dates like the April 8th Sun-Moon-Chiron in Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, as well as the future oriented–but very intense–Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20th. While being of service, prime yourself for intuitive downloads and big ideas. Your sign’s ruler (Uranus) brings a stroke of genius and the element of surprise, but it’s not all about you. Your insights, skills, and ideas help others. With Pluto still in early Aquarius, we’ll see huge collective transformation in coming years. Often ahead of your time, consider how well-positioned you are to co-create this changing the world.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Mars entered Pisces on March 22 and remains in your North Node sign through April 30. Whenever Mars conjuncts your North Node, something decisive shifts. Exactly when depends on precise degree, but overall you’ll feel a lift throughout April. A Pisces North Node can feel nebulous, but practical realist Saturn continues to troubleshoot illusions, build foundations, and identify tangible opportunities in Pisces. On May 25, one of your sign’s co-rulers–Jupiter–enters Gemini for the next year. Jupiter squares to your nodal axis can still bring benefits, but beware of get rich quick schemes. Pay special attention to bigger picture ideas, philosophy, information exchange, and anything to do with organized religion vs. spirituality. “Life” will probably adjust these areas. On May 3, your sign’s other ruler–Neptune–enters the anaretic (final) 29th degree of Pisces. Increasingly, collective energies will feel more ordained and aligned with your destiny.

Ways to Reconnect with Nature

I’ve been meaning to share this post by my amazing artist and gardening friend Sue. She shares her own thoughts and creations, as well as a video from astrologer Pam Gregory and Katherine Macbean of The People’s Food and Farming Alliance. For those who don’t know, there’s been an ongoing war on Nature and our food supply. This video and post offer hope, in context of larger spiritual unfolding, plus ways to strengthen local food sovereignty.

A Little Garden Cheer

Just some photos from today’s garden. Whatever critter usually lops off my ground level tulips has let them bloom this year. Much appreciated after the weird weather froze and creased my early daffodils.

I don’t think those ones alongside the silver planter have ever reached this stage during the six April’s we’ve lived here.

The tulips inside the planter are less prolific than some years, but grape hyacinths have made up for those:

I am ALL about pink this year, so yay for pink tulips chiming in after the pink hyacinths have faded.

It’s a banner year for candytuft (above) and paperwhite daffodils (below). Nature always fills in the blanks.

The Change at Hand

Long time blog reader and magical being Nikkoale sent this video to me by private email, and I knew I would share it here.

On this day of Sun in Taurus exactly square Pluto in Aquarius, just on the heels of yesterday’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, also in Taurus, with Venus (love) exactly conjunct Chiron (wound/wounded healer) in Aries, this animated music video evokes humanity’s ongoing shift. For some people, this change involves deep shadow work and breaking free of trauma, brainwashing, and peer pressure. For others, it involves stepping more fully into empowerment and having courage to forge pathways for others.

I found “KINGDOM” both intense and cathartic. If nitty-gritty astro lingo leaves you scratching your head, this one pulls right at the heart and soul. These challenging times have such potential! My fingers wanted to type poet-ential, and I feel and sense that, too. We were born for this.

If receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through to view the animated short film–just under 14 minutes, but a journey in itself.

April 19-25th Energies (Video)

One of the biggest weeks this year. Sun enters Taurus, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus, Sun square Pluto, Venus conjunct Chiron, Scorpio Full Moon, Mercury stations Direct conjunct North Node in Aries. What will happen, and what’s it all mean? If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through to watch the video. WordPress doesn’t embed them.

Related videos and blog posts:

All about Black Moon Lilith (video)

Blog post about the Full Moon in Scorpio

April 2024 Forecast and Second Quarter North Node Horoscopes

Jupiter, Uranus, and the Full Moon in Scorpio~April 20-23, 2024

A period of radical change continues to heat up. My April 2024 Forecast shared:

April 20 Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Another seismic astro event with strong future orientation. Mars in Pisces exactly sextiles this conjunction on the 19th, amplifying an already pivotal event. If you have any planets or points at 19-23 Libra, these will form the apex of a Yod (aka Finger of God) triggered by transiting Jupiter, Uranus and Mars. Anyone with planets or points from 17-25 of Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) will receive extra activation. This is a great day to record any kind of psychic downloads, but not a good day for high risk physical activities. Keep a notebook on hand. Uranian insights strike fast, then disappear. A powerful day for liberation even amidst collective chaos.

April 21 Sun in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius. Intensity skyrockets. Meanwhile, Venus conjuncts Chiron in Aries, bringing extra healing to relationships and creative projects. Juno stations Direct today in Virgo. I don’t always mention Juno, but this Juno shift brings an added layer of wounding and/or healing around marriage, commitment, and family issues. Opportunities arise to shift issues that arose on or around March 10th. With Virgo, pay attention to details, as they’re likely to reveal something important at this time.

April 23 Full Moon in Scorpio, 7:48 p.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is: “(SCORPIO 5°): A MASSIVE ROCKY SHORE RESISTS THE POUNDING OF THE SEA.” Dane Rudhyar adds a “KEYNOTE: The inertia of all institutionalized procedures.” Normally, we think of Scorpio as the sign of death and rebirth, but this energy sounds much more Taurean. With transiting Chiron in the same degree as the U.S. natal Chiron and Mercury still conjunct the North Node–all in Aries–this imagery emphasizes that which cannot so easily be destroyed, despite ongoing attacks. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction remains in orb, bringing optimism and unexpected change. “Turnabout is fair play.”

Of special note: the Sabian Symbol for the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is: “(TAURUS 22°): WHITE DOVE FLYING OVER TROUBLED WATERS.” Dane Rudhyar adds a “KEYNOTE: The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis. … A REWARD TO THE FAITHFUL.” This suggests a spiritual process that elevates lower energies into something higher. Given the saber rattling in our world right now, having this future-oriented conjunction point to peace feels encouraging. This conjunction remains in effect at the time of the Scorpio Full Moon, even though Jupiter will have moved into the next degree.

Elatus tightly conjuncts the Scorpio Full Moon point. Zane Stein notes: “On Amable’s blog, Transneptunian Astrology, there is this interesting observation about Elatus: ‘Elatus has an incredible ability to escape from the most dif[f]icult situations, like Morfeo-Neo in the movie “The Matrix” (1999). But [it’s] more habitual that he flees before things get worse.’” Learn to read the room, and pay attention to your Spidey senses. The line between experiencing heaven or hell is razor thin right now.

At the time of the Scorpio Full Moon, Mars at 24 Pisces opposes Black Moon Lilith at 22 Virgo. Meanwhile, Chiron at 20 Aries continues to quincunx Black Moon Lilith. Our friend Thereus–Mr. “Waiting in the Wings”–also shows up again at 20 Virgo. These intense energies suggest highly charged questions regarding relationships. If conflicts arise, ask yourself, “Where am I not being authentic? What does my reaction reveal about deeper expectations and motivations?” The presence of Thereus suggests potential upgrades or replacement. In times of major collective shift, it pays to affirm, “If not this, then something better.”

Use the reactivity of Black Moon Lilith and Elatus as opportunities to reposition yourself in a more authentic way. Since we’re talking about Chiron in Aries quincunx Black Moon Lilith/Thereus in Virgo, questions of identity, healing, and daily habits could also arise. Eris–the goddess of discord–at 24 Aries adds another element of powerful, dark feminine energy. She demands respect, as does Lilith. Eris refuses to be overlooked again. At the time of the Full Moon, Eris tightly conjuncts Venus. Pay attention to any nudges to reorder your priorities, relationships, finances, or appearance. Then take appropriate action.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction remains in effect, so intuitive downloads will likely bring expansive future results. That 20-22 Virgo point supportively trines the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, so the solution to whatever stuck issue you’ve been dealing with is probably “waiting in the wings.” Also, remember that a balanced Black Moon Lilith acts more like fairy godmother than mad woman in the attic.

Pluto in early Aquarius squares the Taurus Sun-Scorpio Moon axis. That’s also the financial axis, so we could see power plays and big changes in areas of money, shared resources, wealth, and/or agriculture.

Despite all these demands for change, the Sabian Symbol of this Full Moon in Scorpio alerts us to that which endures. “(SCORPIO 5°): A MASSIVE ROCKY SHORE RESISTS THE POUNDING OF THE SEA.” If you’ve tried and tried to remove someone or something from your life, and even with all this astro liberation you can’t seem to shake free, it might be time to adjust perspective. Maybe this someone or something continues in some way to serve your highest good. Perhaps a soul agreement or Fate holds more power than imagined.

In that case, the Serenity Prayer offers a way forward:

“God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.” With the continued stellium in Aries, it feels tempting to assume “I know all the answers. I’m right about this,” or to say, “I could agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.” Jupiter can also bring that “my way or the highway” energy into the mix. Just remember that Uranus involves the unexpected. In a world of all possibilities, true liberation might mean accepting whatever you cannot change and then riffing with the boundaries.

That’s the reason I love painting doors as portals! They aren’t blank slates. Rather, their inherent structure and limitations inspire more creativity.

Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom bring positive results. No use banging your head against a massive rocky shore. Water wears away stone–eventually. Meanwhile, you might expend your energy in more efficient ways. “That which you resist, persists.” This awareness brings back the Scorpio element of this Full Moon. Release that which no longer serves, but if–in your state of total surrender–some things still remain, ponder those implications.

Instead of writhing against the rocky shore, maybe climb aboard that massive rock and catch some rays. Not all change happens at once. Gradual shifts often bring less trauma than a sudden 180, even if both lead to the same place in the end. As a friend of mine says, “The Universe is smarter than we are.” And as my Dream Guys say, “Delay leads to delight.”

Two Realities Dream

Here’s an odd one for you, perhaps collective. Warning to those with language triggers, this dream contains two F-bombs, because that was part of the plot. I’m curious if this resonates with anyone, because it was a weird set of contrasts and surreal over/under reaction:

“Two Realities”

There was so much more to this dream. A large group of people, milling around on the edge of something. Every once in awhile, someone would hand something across the veil, almost like there were two large groups, divided by an invisible force field.

Most people seemed totally unaware of this state of affairs, but some people, including me, could see both groups. It seemed like horizontal canisters of some sort got hand passed back and forth between the groups. Some of the people doing this wore white, flowy clothing that looked translucent in the dark and moonlight. I don’t know what the cylinders were. They were the size of extra large, silver beer cans, but I don’t think that’s what they were.

I mostly interacted with these white-clad diaphanous women, and spent extra time with one in particular. They kind of seemed like nymphs or faery people. At some point, a chubby, black-haired, teenage youth or young man wearing a baggy black t-shirt and (I think) black jeans stood in the middle of everything. He emitted a bratty, selfish energy, and I said something like, “Hey! FUCK you. Why don’t you fuck off and get outta here?!”

I had looked up from my conversation with one of the women and yelled this to him from maybe twenty feet away. There wasn’t much charge to him or to me saying that, but I immediately dissolved and then reappeared right next to him. I felt a need to apologize because I had been rude in front of all these people. He seemed to flicker in and out of visible range, too, which made me wonder if my comment had actually been justified. I was blaming myself (a little) for being rude, but he was an out-of-phase, heavy, dense anomaly. He refused to accept my apology, instead just appearing and disappearing like a trickster.

Again, there wasn’t much charge to this. My reaction to him surprised me. It seemed to come out of nowhere, but as I tried to dial back or apologize for what I said, his glowering presence and trickster energy made me wonder if I had had a legitimate reaction to his presence.

I eventually ignored him, since no one else seemed to have noticed his presence or what I said. The diaphanous women in white just kept talking and raising their arms. Their sleeves draped down from their wrists in the moonlight, as their slender, delicate hands passed things from one world to the other.

END of dream journal.